After viewing an art exhibition of constructions made with Mecanno pieces, I have devised a 21st Century version : FREECANNO - an open-sourced educational toy made from found stuff. This Freecanno is an educational toy is based on the familiar Mecanno set. The kit includes a variety of plastic, wood, & metal construction components with holes drilled in them, as well as some hardware for joining pieces together - nuts & bolts, screws, & nails. Further holes can be drilled & pieces can otherwise be adapted to suit - tools will have to be obtained separately. As Picasso said: “Computers are stupid- they only give you answers”. The Freecanno concept is designed to both stimulate the imagination & to instigate processes of enquiry: “What can I make?.. how can I make it?.. how can I join these together?.. how can I cut/drill/whatever this?.. what do I need to make......?” As the Freecanno system is open-sourced, there are not more bigger, more expensive, s...