
Showing posts with the label culture jamming

Recycled art - Golliwogs

I now have two golliwogs in my collection - the chappie on the left was my Mother’s...he lived at the top of the stairs for many years & looks like he was made from recycled wool. The cheerful fellow on the right is new - I bought him at my local charity shop. They are having a great time together & I am looking everywhere for more! Maybe I will have to make some?

Save the Planet - or is it too late?

Another of my entries in the Mairangi Arts show was a board game with a “save the planet from yourself” theme. I tore images from magazines & glued them onto a piece of foam-core I found. The work sold - tho now I almost wish it hadn’t....I would have liked to look at it for a while longer! SOLD See more of my recycled, upcycled and environmental works at See more culture jamming and adbusting at
I found an old children’s book at the local market several weeks ago. Inside the cover is a certificate saying that it was presented to one Diane Goldsbury (S2) at Waitahinga School in 1957. What a gem! These cheerful chappies appear inside: can you spot the golliwog twins?