
two great recipies!

A recent dumpster dive netted a 350grm tub of (still chilled) chicken livers. A while ago while trash trawling I found a well-used copy of Leah W. Leonard's 1951 book of "Jewish Cookery" - on p. 301 is the recipie for molded chicken liver ( a firm favourite with my Jewish friends): "Combine broiled chicken livers, hard cooked eggs and greben. Run through food chopper, season to taste with salt, pepper, celery salt or garlic salt, add chicken or goose fat, or salad oil. Use as a canape spread.Top with tiny bits of pimento or green pepper, minced parsley or water cress, or stuffed olive.
Or press into a well-greased mold. Unmold on shredded greens and garnish." OR on p. 382 Leah gives the recipie for "Chopped Liver and Peanut Butter"!: "Two parts chopped liver to 1 part peanut butter makes a delicious spread".

culture jamming

My take on the war in the Middle East:


Evening freegan finds continue at the back door of my local supermarket. The other night was cheese night, all packages perfectly OK and well before their use-by dates.

free fish

On Sunday on my way home from a walk on the beach I spotted an almost empty Council pre-paid garbage bag protruding from a trash can. As I have an old carpet to go out i salvaged the bag. When I got it home I found that the contents were a very fresh, and still-chilled snapper. I cooked it wrapped in tin-foil & it was delicious!

retirement writings

Over the past few months I have been talking with many members of Men’s Sheds throughout the North Island of New Zealand, as well as reading extensively on issues relating to retirement. The key themes apparent in my study of retirement issues are that a loss of purpose upon retirement after decades of responding to the manifold demands of work and family can make life appear to be meaningless. Faced with a loss of purpose and a lack of meaning can lead people to give up hope. A sense of hopelessness is often what precipitates a rapid decline in physical and mental health in retired people, and it may be noted that the loss of hope can be the final straw which drives people to commit suicide. In discussions at the Shed about retirement, Shed members often refer to the fact that their fathers and other older male relatives were often dead within eighteen month of retirement. Studies have shown that eighteen months of feeling “blue” (not even mildly depressed) can have a severely negativ...

feng shui art for sale

I have been busy uploading my images of my Feng Shui artworks to my new blog: Nathan at the Men’s Shed has been helping me with ensuring that my translations and interpretations of the calligraphy and texts are correct. In addition, I am preparing to produce a new body of work based on the I Ching as well as images and texts in Adjit Moorerjee’s book “Yoga Art”.
I have been busy at the Men's Shed North Shore refurbishing some old tools, which I will take up to the Pacific Islands next year. The boys at the Shed have been helping me with donations of tools, as well as technical advice on woodturning, sharpening and other technical matters - thanks guys!