
imagination and other matters

Freelance writer & photographer Jason Burgess visited me the other week at home. We talked about art/life/recycling and Jason took some photos which he has used to illustrate a blogpost he wrote about his visit. Jason: " I consider myself fortunate to meet and know so many people whose lives I would call living art. Adding to that number is Martin Adlington, the self-titled Professor of Garbology, who has spent the best part of fifty years living beyond the aspirational norms of mainstream society, re-contextualizing the world at hand and travelling the globe off the back of his ostensibly rudimentary, often genius and witty spontaneous crafts and recycled art techniques." Read more:!

on men's sheds and health

In Australia there has been a considerable amount of research done into the health benefits of Men’s Sheds for members. Unfortunately to date little enquiry has been done in NZ relating to this field. However, in my discussions with MSNS members several of them have told me of some of  their observations and positive experiences at our facility. We have some 100 members with a broad range of backgrounds, political views, worldviews, and ways of doing things. We all realize that to make the Shed work it is best for us to be tolerant of others and non-judgemental. This does not inhibit freedom of expression on issues, but conflict is not an issue - unlike in the workplace where egos and pressures can lead to strains which may incite aggression or even bullying. “At the Shed I have found a  band of brothers” is how AB put it. Jeff keeps mum! Not all Sheds are this harmonious. On my 2013 Lower North Island Shed Tour several Shed bosses told me that members had come to blow...

free beer!

Last evening on my way home from my (chilly!) afternoon walk, I checked out the trash behind the Hospice shop - and came away with a bottle of beer (!?) and a miniature Monopoly set - the houses and counters will make great earrings....

men at work - roadworks, video

Hard physical work builds and sustains our society. Last week the contractors resurfaced the roundabout in Browns Bay. I was fascinated by the dance of the machines. Watch a professional road crew at work:

coping to survive retirement

Derek Milne (“The Psychology of Retirement,”) discusses coping strategies in retirement - finding hope...or hopelessness. Read more on my retirement blog: @ Men's Shed North Shore, Auckland, NZ

shed newsletter for june

The Men's Shed North Shore finally has approval for a new 80sq m. engineering extension! See our June newsletter: Above - Trevor examines the new floorplan.

Men's Shed June video

The guys at the Men's Shed North Shore have been busy with community and personal projects: