What most of us internet users don't realize or fully appreciate is the extent to which our on-line activities are being monitored, recorded, stored, bundled and sold to advertisers (& other interested, and even more sinister, parties). We may be vaguely aware that "cookies" (activity trackers) are stored on our computers (which can & should be deleted in your browser's daily. I have recently enabled which, in real time, notifies you of other "trackers" of your activity & data -& will block such moles on request. For example, I searched for this evening. Ghostery informed me that it had blocked nine (yes 9) trackers on the page I found. Among them was this entity: How's that for jargon?? They are saying that they are tracking visitors to sites and selling the ISP addresses as well as other relevant information ( ie our other web searches, physical address, contacts age, sex, sexual preferences. income, race, location, sites, ...