
browns bay tab closes

After over a decade in business the Browns Bay TAB in Anzac Square closed in mid - December 2011 and moved to Albany. Not only is the betting industry in trouble, so is the bloodstock industry. This year's sales at Karaka have been disappointing. Read HERE for more information from Radio National.

peace within

For some 40 years the writings of Lao Tzu have been an inspiration for my life and underpinned much of my artwork. Here is a particular favourite: The Power in Needing Less Which is dearer: Name or life? Which means more: Life or wealth? Which is worse: Gain or loss? The stronger the attachments, The greater the cost. The more that is hoarded, The deeper the loss. Know what is enough; Be without disgrace. Know when to stop; Be without danger. "Zen Circle" - an original artwork by Martin Adlington Screenprints on kozo paper $US30 + postage "In the Taoist view,  individuals who are materially orientated - who identify themselves with their possessions - have no real purpose in the universe other than moving matter from place to place and reproducing other life forms. Materially-orientated individuals cannot evolve because their attachment to, & hoarding of, matter trains the mind to view reality as fixed & unflo...

a dumpster dive

I found a dumpster today & dived in! My main finds of interest were: - a film camera ( Agfa Silette) - 2 jandals to make into art - a 1954 copy of "William & the Moon Rocket" by Richmal Crompton (I used to read these as a kid) - a satellite navigation kit for the van - a retro table lamp - a metal strainer to make into a clock - a hand-crocheted blanket See my recycled, upcycled and environmental works at m See my youtube channel for dumpster-diving & recycling videos

the end is nigh - the recesion hits browns bay

This is the first of a series of posts documenting some the changes in the community where I live. As the economic situation worsens, business here in Browns Bay are closing their doors. When the mall opened at nearby Albany in 2007 the fall-off in trade, visitors & traffic was immediately apparent in this beach-side suburb.Then the recession began in 2008, & the rot began with the closure of the Woolworths Supermarket. Although the 2011 Rugby World Cup was touted as being a potential financial bonanza for business of all types, in fact the only ones to benefit were the RWC itself & the grog merchants who sponsored the whole thing. Trade for most retailers declined as any disposable income people had was spent on expensive tickets for the games.Christmas sales were subdued - people are paying for all the toys houses & batches they bought when credit was readily available. So far there has been very little summer weather to bring people to the beach - so trade has s...

steve robs retires

Today Steve Jobs (aka Steve Robs) announced his retirement from Apple. According to the media he is regarded as a "god" by some in the industry. Somehow I hardly think that the people who slave in the Apple factories to produce ipods "Now In White" (gosh!) for some .50c a day would agree. See more of my adbusting and culture jamming activities on

just another commodity

Microsoft received much Twitter flak after a small PR account for Xbox encouraged followers to remember recently deceased musician Amy Winehouse by buying her last album on the company's entertainment marketplace, Zune. After about an hour of retweets - with comments such as "classy", "crass much?" and "Microsoft – failing at social media" - the account tweeted a follow-up. "Apologies to everyone if our earlier Amy Winehouse 'download' tweet seemed purely commercially motivated," it said. "Far from the case, we assure you." Microsoft is not the only company that has seemingly attempted to capitalise on the star's death. Apple posted an image of Winehouse on the front of the iTunes store with the caption "remembering Amy Winehouse". Her breakout album, the Grammy winning Back to Black, has subsequently become the No.1 album in the store. Amazon also posted a brief obituary that linked to a page where sh...

passports?..what passports??

See more of my adbusting and culture jamming activities on