
a matter of perspective

The puff promotions concerning the marketing of the proposed Victor (“prepare to be amazed”) apartment block in Bute Road, Browns Bay include a considerable down-playing of the physical impact this monster will have on the local community. Whoever drew the architect’s impression below obviously forgot (?) that perspective lines converge at the horizon. I have roughly amended the false image using the more authentic perspective as applied to another similar-sized development. This correction gives a somewhat more realistic impression of the looming presence of this “amazing” giant. . (Unfortunately my Photoshop skills do not extend to correcting the perspective of the original image)

recent tagging in browns bay

The site of the old Beachside gym on Anzac Road has been vacant for some time, now that the development of the million-dollar units has been canned. It looks as if the blank canvas of the concrete wall to the East has proven too much of a temptation for someone armed with a bunch of spray-cans......

the end of a beautiful tree

Changes to the Auckland Council unitary plan have enabled the latest owners of the block of land along the cliff top walkway at the South end of Browns Bay beach , to fell a large, well-established pohutukawa tree on the property and open-up the view northwards over the bay. The mayor is talking about planting a million trees, but no consideration seems to be given to such existing ancestors as this. Are we facing development at any price? See the video at:

browns bay parking shrinking

According to press releases, work on turning the old New World site into a large square block of glass, concrete and steel is projected to begin around the middle of the year. With the provision of only 78 carparks for the 64 apartments (plus 5 or 6 retail outlets) it looks as though this development will a make a considerable contribution to the growing parking problems facing Browns Bay. Staff in the Victor office in Clyde Road informed me that each of the 6 penthouses will have two carparks, the two-bedroom apartments will have one each, and the one-bedroom  habitations will not be provided with any parking spaces whatsoever. This week a wire fence has been erected around the West and part of the South sides of the old structure, however there is as yet no evidence of preparations for any demolition work.

18 cafes for browns bay

The Sanctuary cafe has recently opened after a lengthy makeover of the old English Shop. This makes the 17th such establishment in Browns Bay, and we can look forward to any deficit of local coffee/bakery needs being filled shortly by the opening of #18 - Hollywood Bakery.

wild weather in browns bay

The wild weather whipped up some foam over the last few days along the beach, and especially at Taiaotea Creek. Further north it a dingy has washed up.....

jewellery to buana satu

Thanks to Helen's support I now have jewellery on show at Buana Satu once again. Here are some shots - some of the pieces made from the miniature sugar skulls I bought in California earlier in the year as well as an old radio valve as pendant. The chains are made from pieces of bicycle inner tube and knitting needles made into rings.